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英语笑话 154 (广告效力 The Effectiveness of Advertisement)_开云app官方网站登录

点击量:745    时间:2023-11-17

本文摘要:广告的效力 The Effectiveness of AdvertisementSome businessmen were talking about advertising on TV excitedly. As none of them had ever done it before, every one had his point of view.一群商人正热烈地讨论在电视上做广告。

广告的效力 The Effectiveness of AdvertisementSome businessmen were talking about advertising on TV excitedly. As none of them had ever done it before, every one had his point of view.一群商人正热烈地讨论在电视上做广告。他们中没有人做过,所以每小我私家都有自己的想法。At this moment, Mr. Grey came by. Grey was a car dealer and he had once made an advertisement.此时,格雷先生进来了。

格雷是一个汽车经销商,他曾经做过一次广告。"What are you talking about?" Mr. Grey asked.“你们在讨论什么?”格雷先生问。"Does advertisement work or not?" one of the businessmen asked.“广告有用不?”其中一位商人问。"Oh, yes, it works very fast," Mr. Grey said. " I once advertised for my watch-dog and offered a reward of $100."“噢,有用,而且收效很是快。

”格雷先生说,“我曾经公布了一条广告,要招聘一个值班员,酬劳是100美金。”"Did you get the dog back?"“你招聘到人了吗?”"No, but that very night three of my cars were stolen."“没,可是谁人晚上我的三辆车被偷走了。”【注释】笑话中泛起了come by这个词组,我们来学习一下它的两种意思:1. pay a visit 来访,造访例:I'll come by after work and see if you need any help. 我下班后会再来造访,看看你有什么需要帮助的地方。

2. acquire 获得,获得例:A good assistant is hard to come by. 要获得一个好助手很难题。Comment: 保安没招来,倒把贼招来了!所以说有钱这件事还是不要“广而告之”为好……更多英语故事:http://www.dian3x.com/story?c=toutiao英语故事(小说、名著)双语对照阅读,点击单词可检察中文翻译。微信搜索【点学英语】,使用微信小法式,阅读功效更强大!。



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